.¤·º°´¯ Watching Over Me ¯`°º·¤.

☆ Spaniard ☆

My photo
I am Spaniard by birth . Raised between Spain and Italy. Currently residing in the USA. I love to connect with people of different cultures and paths of life. I speak, read and write six different languages. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Lets see ... : dreamer, crazy, playful, wild, stubborn, romantic, adventurer, sweet, kind, funny, sensitive, tender, loving , proud, childish, cheerful, caring, joyful, sociable, passionate, in one word ..... "INCURABLE"!! I am a Daughter of the "KING of KINGS" I Been single by CHOICE, I rather be single than be lied, cheated & disrespected.


If your God is a Jew,
Your pizza Italian,
Your watch Swiss,
Your car Japanese,
Your coffee Colombian,
Your numbers Arabic,
Your letters Latin,
How dear you call your neighbor an alien?

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"A Touch of Spain"

Claveles are the Official flower of Spain

I come across this beautiful pictures today
If you click in the post tittle it will take you directly to the web site.
I remember many ceramic places around the little towns of La Rioja (Spain)
"Artesania" is an art that has been in Spain for centuries.

But it did not originated there

Historia de la Ceramica

La palabra cerámica deriva del griego keramiké, " sustancia quemada "
El termino se aplica de una forma tan amplia que ha perdido buena parte de su sifnificado.
Este campo se esta ampliando nuevamente incluyendo en el a cementos y esmaltes sobre metal.
Abarca sus mismas evoluciones y fechas y su estudio esta unido a las relaciones de los hombres que han permitido el progreso de este arte. La invencion de la ceramica se produjo durante la revolucion neolitica, cuando se hicieron necesarios recipientes para almacenar el excedente de las cosechas producido por la practica de la agricultura.

En un principio esta ceramica se modelaba a mano, con tecnicas como el "Pellizco", el "Colombin", o la "Placa" (de ahi las irregularidades de su superficie), y tan solo se dejaba secar al sol en los paises calidos y cerca de los fuegos tribales en los de zonas frias.

Mas adelante comenzo a decorarse con motivos grometricos mediante incisiones en la pasta seca.
Su cada vez mas compleja, perfecta y bella elaboracion determino la aparicion de un nuevo oficio: el del alfarero.

Los pueblos de la era actual que iniciaron la elaboración de cerámica con técnicas más sofisticadas y cociendo las piezas en hornos fueron los chinos . Desde China paso el conocimiento hacia Korea y Japon por el Oriente, y hacia el Occidente, a Persia y el norte de Africa hasta llegar a la peninsula Española.

En todo este recorrido, las tecnicas fueron variando. Esto fue debido a varias variantes; una de ellas es el que las arcillas eran diferentes. En China se utilizaban, sobre todo, la porcelana y el gres, mientras que en Occidente estas arcillas no se encontraban. Otras variantes fue la inluencia del Islam y sus visiones de la decoracion, y las diferentes maneras que se utilizaban para la coccion.

En principio el torno era solamente una rueda colocada en un eje, que se hacia girar por medio de un palo introducido en un agujero con el cual se daban vueltas hasta alcanzar la velocidad suficiente para realizar la pieza.

Poco a poco fue cambiando hasta el dia de hoy, en que el artesano esta sentado sobre un banco y hace girar el torno mediante un movimiento del pie que le da a una rueda superior mas o menos velocidad segun las necesidades.

Uno de los primeros ejemplos de ceramica prehistoricas es la llamaada cardial. Se dio en el Neolitico, debiendo su denominacion a que estaba decorada con incisiones hechas con la concha del cardium edule, una especie de berberecho. La ceramica campaniforme, o del vaso campaniforme, es caracteristica de la edad de los metales y, mas concretamente, del calcolitico, al igual que la ceramica de El Argar (argarica) lo que es la Edad del Bronce.

Crearon recipientes con bellas formas que cubrieron de dibujos que narraban la vida y costumbres de su epoca. La estetica griega fue heredada por la antigua Roma y Bizantina, que la propagaron hasta el Extremo Oriente.

Se unio despues a las artes del Islam de las que aprendieron los ceramistas chinos y el empleo del bonito azul cobalto.

El arte de la ceramica entro en la peninsula Iberica desde el norte de Africa. Incorporando el arte de la cerámica a la península ibérica, llevando a la creación de la loza de barro español y Moorish, precedente de la cerámica de la mayólica con los esmaltes metálicos, de la influencia persa, y preparada por primera vez en Europa en Mallorca (España), entonces introducida con gran éxito en Sicilia y en Italia, en donde se perdió su islámico, europeo influencia.

Historia de la ceramica y sus usos
Su uso inicial fue, fundamentalmente, como recipiente para alimentos; más adelante se utilizó para hacer figuras supuestamente de carácter mágico, religioso o funerario. también se empleó como material de construcción en forma de ladrillo, teja, baldosa o azulejo, tanto para paramentos como para pavimentos.

la técnica del vidriado le proporcionó gran atractivo. se utilizó también para la escultura . finalmente también llegó a tener una función meramente decorativa.

Utensilios usados para crear ceramicas
El torno y el horno son los pilares para la fabricación de la cerámica. se necesitan además pinceles y varillas para la decoración.

Tecnicas y materiales para crear ceramicas
Las distintas técnicas que se han ido utilizando han dado como resultado una gran variedad de acabados:

Terracota vidriada - Glazed earthenware
Terracota esmaltada - Glazed earthenware
Mayólica - Majolica
Gres - Gres

Se emplea agua, sílice, plomo, estaño y óxidos metálicos. Para la cerámica llamada gres se utiliza una arcilla no calcárea y sal. Otro material importante para otro tipo de cerámica es el caolín mezclado con cuarzo y feldespato. También se emplea el polvo de alabastro y mármol. Para las porcelanas se utilizan los óxidos de potasio, magnesio y aluminio.

Historia de ceramicas / decoracion de ceramicas
Una vez terminado el objeto en algunos casos se procede a su decoración. Para este nuevo trabajo se emplean distintas técnicas que hacen que se obtenga un resultado muy variado:
decoración esgrafiada - decor esgrafiada
decoración en relieve - decoration in relief
decoración pintada - painted decoration
decoración a lustre - luster to decor

History of Ceramics

The word derives from the Greek pottery Keramik, "burnt substance." The term is applied in a manner so broad that it has lost much of its meaning. Not only applies to the industries of silicates, but also articles and coatings agglomerated by heat, with temperatures sufficient to give rise to the synthesized. This field is being expanded again to include in it cements and enamel on metal.

The historyof ceramics is tied to the history of almost all the peoples of the world. It covers developments themselves and their dates and their study is tied to the relations of men who have enabled progress in this art.

The invention of ceramics ocurred during the Neolithic revolution, when it become necessary containers to store surplus crops produced by the practice of agriculture. At first this pottery was shaped by hand, using techniques such as "Pinch", the "Columbus", or "Plate" (hence the irregularities of its surface), and just be left to dry in the sun in the hot countries, and near the tribal fires in the cold zones.

Later began decorated with geometric motifs through incisions in the dried pasta. Their increasingly complex, perfect and beautiful design identified the emergence of a new trade: The Potter.

The peoples of the current era that began with the development of ceramic techniques and more sophisticated pieces in the baking ovens were the Chinese. Since China passed the knowledge to Korea and Japan for the East, and toward the West, Persia and North Africa to reach the Spanish Peninsula.

Throughout this journey, the techniques were varied. This was due to a number of variants, one of them is that the clays were different. In China were used, above all, porcelain and stoneware, While in the west these clays were not found.

Other variants was the influence of Islam and their visions for decorating, and the different ways that were used for cooking.

The invention of the wheel, and in times of the metals, came to improve their processing and finishing, as well as their cooking in the oven that become stronger and expanded its range of colors and textures.

In the beginning it was only a round wheel affixed to a shaft that was rotated by a stick inserted into a hole which they were turned up to speed enough to make the cut. Little by little changed to this day. The Artesian is sitting on a bench and turns the wheel by a movement of the feet that gives the wheel more or less top speed as needed.

Often the ceramic has served archaeologists for dating sites, and even some types of pottery have been named prehistoric cultures. One of the earliest examples of prehistoric pottery is called cardial. Ocurred in the Neolithic, by its name was decorated with insicions made from the shell cardium edule, a kind of cockle.

Campaniforme ceramics glass or campaniforme, is characteristic of the age of metals and, more specifically calcolitico, like pottery The Argar (Argar) which is the bronze age.

Greek potters worked pottery influenced by the civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. They created containers filled with beautiful forms of cartoon, which tells the lifes and customes of their time. The Greek aesthetic was inherited by ancient Rome and Byzantinus, which spread to the far East. They joined to the arts of Islam from Chinese potters, who learned the use of the beautiful cobalt blue.

From North Africa entered the art of pottery in the Iberian Peninsula, leading to the creation of the Spanish Moorish earthenware, majolica ceramics precedent with metallic glazes, of Persian influence, and prepared for the first time in Europe in Mallorca (Spain), then introduced with great success in Sicily and throughout Italy, where it lost the Islamic and Europeanise influence.

History of ceramic / uses of ceramics
Its initial use was primarily as a receptacle for food; later was used to make figures of supposedly magical, religious or funeral. Was also used as building material in the form of brick, tile, tile or tile, so as to paramentos for floors. The technique of glazing provided him with great appeal. Was also used for the sculpture. Finally also came to have a purely decorative function.

Utensils used for the realization of ceramics
The wheel and oven are the building blocks for the manufacture of ceramics. Are also needed brushes and sticks for decoration.

Techniques and materials to create ceramics
Different techniques have been used have resulted in a variety of finishes:

Terracota vidriada - Glazed earthenware
Terracota esmaltada - Glazed earthenware
Mayólica - Majolica
Gres - Gres

The raw material is clay. Use of water, silica, lead, tin and metal oxides. To make stoneware pottery using clay and limestone no salt. Another important material for other types of ceramic is kaolin mixed with quartz and feldspar. Also used the dust of alabaster and marble. For the porcelains are used oxides of potassium, magnesium and aluminum.

History of ceramics / pottery decoration
Once the object in some cases it proceeds to its decoration. For this new work are employed various techniques to make that a very mixed results:
decoración esgrafiada - decor esgrafiada
decoración en relieve - decoration in relief
decoración pintada - painted decoration
decoración a lustre - luster to decor

this was a treat for me.

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