.¤·º°´¯ Watching Over Me ¯`°º·¤.

☆ Spaniard ☆

My photo
I am Spaniard by birth . Raised between Spain and Italy. Currently residing in the USA. I love to connect with people of different cultures and paths of life. I speak, read and write six different languages. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Lets see ... : dreamer, crazy, playful, wild, stubborn, romantic, adventurer, sweet, kind, funny, sensitive, tender, loving , proud, childish, cheerful, caring, joyful, sociable, passionate, in one word ..... "INCURABLE"!! I am a Daughter of the "KING of KINGS" I Been single by CHOICE, I rather be single than be lied, cheated & disrespected.


If your God is a Jew,
Your pizza Italian,
Your watch Swiss,
Your car Japanese,
Your coffee Colombian,
Your numbers Arabic,
Your letters Latin,
How dear you call your neighbor an alien?

♫ Music - Videos ♫

❤ J ~ M ❤
WMYX 99.1 The Mix FM

"Nature's Elegance"

Beauty surrounds us
Every where we look
Spring season
I love to rise
And hear the birds sing

God created beauty
In the sky
On land
In the ocean
Ever so deep and high

Daylight peeks and sunlight
Evening falls and twilight
Nighttime stars everywhere
Some nights the moon is bright
Where ever you are

Thank you Lord
For all your gifts
They are worth
More than gold
You blessed us with a soul

Enjoying every day
A bike ride in the park
Or roller skating
Even just a stroll
I love this life

Swimming at the beach
Sunning in the yard
Planting pretty flowers
Filling the bird bath
Watching frogs jump

Listening to the crickets
Seeing lightning bugs
A scent of roses
Taste a strand of mint
Listening to your voice

Blessings all around
Thank you Lord
For all you keep
Grand mountains
Valleys so low

You've carried me through life
And made my life worth living
There are no words to tell you
How much I Love You So

Joyce Ann Geyer - 2007

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