.¤·º°´¯ Watching Over Me ¯`°º·¤.

☆ Spaniard ☆

My photo
I am Spaniard by birth . Raised between Spain and Italy. Currently residing in the USA. I love to connect with people of different cultures and paths of life. I speak, read and write six different languages. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Lets see ... : dreamer, crazy, playful, wild, stubborn, romantic, adventurer, sweet, kind, funny, sensitive, tender, loving , proud, childish, cheerful, caring, joyful, sociable, passionate, in one word ..... "INCURABLE"!! I am a Daughter of the "KING of KINGS" I Been single by CHOICE, I rather be single than be lied, cheated & disrespected.


If your God is a Jew,
Your pizza Italian,
Your watch Swiss,
Your car Japanese,
Your coffee Colombian,
Your numbers Arabic,
Your letters Latin,
How dear you call your neighbor an alien?

♫ Music - Videos ♫

❤ J ~ M ❤
WMYX 99.1 The Mix FM

"R,I.P Mr: Bai Fangli"

In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli 
came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. 
There, he saw children working in the fields, 
because they were too poor to afford school fees.

Bai returned to Tianjin and went back to work as a rickshaw puller, 
taking a modest accommodation next to the railway station. 
He waited for clients 24 hours a day, 
ate simple food and wore discarded second-hand clothes he found. 
He gave all of his hard-earned earnings 
to support children who could not afford education.

In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, 
to deliver his last installment of money. 
Nearly 90 years old, 
he told the students that he couldn't work any more. 
All of the students and teachers were moved to tears.

In total, 
Bai had donated a total of 350,000 yuan 
to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. 
In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.

If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes 
and had no education can support 300 children to go to school, 
imagine what you and I can do 
with the resources we have to bring about positive change in our world!

If you are going to SHARE one post today, let it be this one!

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