.¤·º°´¯ Watching Over Me ¯`°º·¤.

☆ Spaniard ☆

My photo
I am Spaniard by birth . Raised between Spain and Italy. Currently residing in the USA. I love to connect with people of different cultures and paths of life. I speak, read and write six different languages. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Lets see ... : dreamer, crazy, playful, wild, stubborn, romantic, adventurer, sweet, kind, funny, sensitive, tender, loving , proud, childish, cheerful, caring, joyful, sociable, passionate, in one word ..... "INCURABLE"!! I am a Daughter of the "KING of KINGS" I Been single by CHOICE, I rather be single than be lied, cheated & disrespected.


If your God is a Jew,
Your pizza Italian,
Your watch Swiss,
Your car Japanese,
Your coffee Colombian,
Your numbers Arabic,
Your letters Latin,
How dear you call your neighbor an alien?

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Bev Doolittle ART

No copyright infringement intended. This blog was made solely for the purposes of artistic expression and to feature her beautiful Art work & entertainment.

(When The Wind Had Wings)
This Beautiful Art is from: Bev Doolittle
A beutiful Artist, I Love her beautiful work
Bev won her first award at age twelve in an art contest sponsored by the San Gabrial Historical Society and her first one-artist show was held when she was fourteen. Her high school art teacher suggested that she apply for the Saturday Scholarship at the Los Angeles Art Center College of Design; she won the scholarship and began serious art study even before graduating from high school.
Later, she was accepted as a student at the Art Center.
Much of Bev's subject matter is provided by the out-of-doors. "I love nature," she says, "I try to look beyond the obvious and create unique, meaningful paintings depicting our Western wilderness and it's inhabitants."

The rset of her beautiful work and Biography can be found at her official website.



More of her beautiful Work

Calling the Buffalo

In "Calling The Buffalo,"

a medicine man of the Sioux has been chosen by his tribe

to call the great herd.

He goes away from his camp,

choosing one of the infrequent water holes

from which to make his prayers.

Guided by rituals handed down from the medicine men

of one generation to another,

he chants and prays to the spirit of the buffalo.

He uses the powerful magic of a buffalo skull

to entice the herd into this tribe's territory.

Knowing his people's survival

depends upon his success,

he focuses his spiritual power

and casts his big medicine into his call.

The only question remaining is,

will the buffalo heed his call?

Bev Dolittle


Wolves of the Crow

Run with me, Wolf Brother,

Teach me to be like a wolf,

Faster than fear,

Stronger than cold.

To read the wind,

Find the way.

Teach me to be As valuable to my tribe

As you are to yours.

Bev Dolittle


Season Of The Eagle

In the life of an Indian,

every new day, every encounter with bird or beast,

and everything he owned or wore had religious significance.

The Indians prayed each day to the One-Who-Made-All-Things,

the Crow Ah-badt-dadt-deah.

Since all creatures were made by the Great Spirit,

the Indian considered the animals and birds

with whom he shared his home not only sacred, but brothers.

Each creature had unique powers and skills

and the Indians believed

that God had placed them on the Mother Earth

to teach them valuable lessons.

The eagle embodied courage and speed,

skills the Indians needed for successful war and hunting,

and eagles were revered as messengers of the Great Spirit.

In the highest passes of the Rocky Mountains,

spring arrives late in the year.

As the snow melts, swollen, rushing streams and rivers

tell the Indians that passes to more fertile hunting grounds will be open.

The melting snow patterns speak to the Indians also.

These are messages from the Great Spirit.

It is because of the Indians' special reverence for the eagle

that I have chosen to incorporate him into my most resent painting,

Season of the Eagle

Bev Dolittle


(Let My Spirit Soar)

My thoughts fly up like birds in the sky.

I am free.

I can fly.

I go everywhere.

I see everything.

Towering mountain rangesand a tiny flower growing in the desert.

I see cities and highways and a fallen treeI see a grandmother telling a story to a child.

I sit quietlyBut my thoughts fly up like the birds in the sky.

Only I know where they go.

When you sit quietly, where do your thoughts go?

What do you see?

Bev Dolittle


The Good Omen

Occasionally while hiking in the desert near my home.
I'll get lucky and see a golden eagle.
The sight of this magnificent bird
soaring free in its environment
always inspires me.
The eagle was a source of inspiration for the Native Americans, too.
The Indians envisioned the golden eagle as the embodiment of the Great Spirit.
By wearing eagle's feathers,
they believed themselves to be possessed of part of the Great Spirit's power.
To view a golden eagle while on a raiding or hunting expedition was considered especially lucky.
Here three Crow Indian warriors
watch the silent flight of a golden eagle,
probably pausing to give thanks to the Great Spirit for
"The Good Omen."
Bev Dolittle
The Sentinel

Stay with me, Wolf Brother,As I watch over my village.
Lend me your sharp eyes.
Help me to Remember that I am part of all I see.
Every animal and birdEvery rock, every tree.
We are all part of the beautiful circle of life Created by the Great Spirit.
Gray Wolf's guardian spirit is very near.
Can you see him?
Bev Dolittle

Spirit of the Grizzly

Out of the mist rising
A young Indian comes riding,
Riding though bear country
Riding alone.
It is early spring,
but there is snow on the ground
And a storm in the air.
The Indian wears a bearskin robe.
His name is Brave Bear.
Brave Bear has always tried to be like his name,
Strong, intelligent, brave.
He wishes that his guardian spirit could be
The grandfather of all bears,The great grizzly.
Does Brave Bearget his wish?
Bev Dolittle


Sacred Circle

Christmas day - Give - Or - Take -A - Week


This images represent just a small sampling of what is available. For further information, current prices and availability of any Bev Doolittle prints or originals please call B & R Gallery and Framing at 661-298-2038, or toll free 800-255-6498.

All Bev Doolittle images reproduced on this web site are copyright The Greenwich Workshop. All rights are reserved.

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