.¤·º°´¯ Watching Over Me ¯`°º·¤.

☆ Spaniard ☆

My photo
I am Spaniard by birth . Raised between Spain and Italy. Currently residing in the USA. I love to connect with people of different cultures and paths of life. I speak, read and write six different languages. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Lets see ... : dreamer, crazy, playful, wild, stubborn, romantic, adventurer, sweet, kind, funny, sensitive, tender, loving , proud, childish, cheerful, caring, joyful, sociable, passionate, in one word ..... "INCURABLE"!! I am a Daughter of the "KING of KINGS" I Been single by CHOICE, I rather be single than be lied, cheated & disrespected.


If your God is a Jew,
Your pizza Italian,
Your watch Swiss,
Your car Japanese,
Your coffee Colombian,
Your numbers Arabic,
Your letters Latin,
How dear you call your neighbor an alien?

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❤ J ~ M ❤
WMYX 99.1 The Mix FM

Santurtzi (Spain)


Santurce es un municipio de vizcaya en el país vasco: concretamente en la margen izquierda de la desembocadura de la ría de bilbao.municipio situado en la margen izquierda de la desembocadura de la ría y a los pies del monte serantes (452 m, aunque tradicionalmente ha constado 446 m).

santurce, está situado al norte del país vasco, en la zona costera del mar cantábrico, con el cual limita al noreste: limita al sur con ortuella, al este con portugalete y al oeste con abanto y ciérvana y con ciérvana. santurce posee una orografía muy accidentada aunque, a excepción del monte serantes (452 m) -uno de sus elementos topográficos más simbólico-, no presenta grandes alturas, situándose las más significativas en las estribaciones del propio serantes: el mazo (245m) y los cuetos (123 y 106m) . su relieve se inscribe dentro del flanco norte del llamado anticlinal de vizcaya. es un relieve de tipo estructural correspondiendo a una serie de materiales del cretácico (calizas urgonienses) a lo largo de punta lucero-serantes suavemente inclinados hacia la ría.
This is San Jorge's Church
the place where

I received my Confirmation
And my first Communion
Yes that little girl was me

el clima en santurce está bajo la influencia del clima oceánico húmedo. las temperaturas son suaves durante todo el año, con lluvias más frecuentes en primavera y otoño, inviernos benignos y veranos no excesivamente calurosos. la temperatura media en verano es de 20 ºc (70ª f) y de 8 ºc (48ª f) en invierno. la belleza del paisaje y la calidad de su gastronomía junto con la hospitalidad de los santurzanos son solo algunos atractivos de los que el visitante puede disfrutar. santurce es un pueblo marinero que ha sabido conservar sus costumbres a pesar de su gran crecimiento, la vida en este concejo, está marcada por el mar, que inspira su trabajo y su ocio, la pesca y las regatas de traineras y las fiestas marianas de la virgen del carmen mantienen vivas sus raíces. y de la gastronomía que decir, en todo el mundo es conocido el buen trato que al pescado se le da en santurtzi, en especial al besugo y como no a las sardinas en lugares como el restaurante sotavento o el internacionalmente conocido currito.

This is the plaza "Kiosko"
where the municipal band use to play in the weekends and important events.
My uncle use to be a trumpetist with the municipal band.
Is there were we watched mom and dad dance, while we sit with grandma and grandpa
Is there also were I learned to dance many of the beautiful traditional dances, with my dad, uncle and grandfather.

el municipio es conocido por albergar el puerto de bilbao, importante puerto de carga y descarga de mercancías a nivel intercontinental, y porque en él operan además dos importantes compañías de ferry de pasajeros, la británica p&o ferries con el buque "pride of bilbao" y la española acciona trasmediterránea con "fortuny", uniendo las ciudades de santurce con la ciudad de portsmouth, en inglaterra, aunque este último servicio ha sido recientemente suspendido.

This is "La Sotera Trainera"
we have boat races
and 'Sotera" is Santurtzi's official trainera
This is the port of Santurtzi and the typical "Sardinera"
with one of our traditional customes.
Santurtzi is very famous for it's fish
Sardines, besugos, and other variety of fish
is grilled there, they have the best fish grilling in the world!!
(At least to me they do ;)
There also sits "El Hogar del Pescador"
"The Home of the Fisherman"

This is the Fountain (Monument "Los Desamparados")
Means the "Abandoned"
The fountain sits in a little plaza right in front of our Ayuntamiento *City Hall*
and in front of our church *San Jorge*
They have fish in the fountain and I remember when I was a kid
Grandfather would takes us there to feed the fish.

This is the monument to: "La Sardinera"
"Las Sardineras" were woman dressed in our typical customes, who would go early to the port and wait for the fisherman, they bought fish from the fisherman, and they would go around the city selling the fish.
The statue sits in the end of "Calle Capital Mendizabal"
A very famous street around our zone, is a very long street, there is many little beautiful shopping stores, and Pubs, Places where people can go dancing, and our famous "Cervezeria" Where they roast the best chitkens, they make the best salads, and they sell nice pitchers of beer

This si "La Virgen del Carmen" - OR - "Virgen Del Mar"
we have festivities to honor her
she is the patron of Santurtzi.
When Santurtzi goes in festivities,
there will be a beautiful Boat procession in her honor

This is Palace "Oriol"
Is a hotel now

This are our typical dancers,
in the typical attire
This is our typical music "Txistus"
Consisting of a drum and a flute

This is an aereal view of Santurtzi
This is a view of the port of Santurtzi

Santurtzi (Spanish: Santurce; Basque: Santurtzi) is a port town in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of Basque Country, Spain. It is located in the Bilbao Abra bay,near the mouth of the Nervión river, on its left bank, 14km downriver from Bilbao and forms part of the Greater Bilbao agglomeration. It has a population of 47,320 (2006) and a land area of 6.77 km².
The district of Santurce of the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico derives its' name from Santurtzi.
Santurtzi has a very rough orography although excluding Mount Serantes ( 452m) - one of its most symbolic topographic elements , it is not at high altitude, the significant heights being spurs of the Serantes: The Mallet (245m) and the Fortified heights (123 and 106m). Its relief is within the north flank of the anticlinal of Biscay. It is a relief of a structural type corresponding to a series of materials of the Cretaceous period (limestone) throughout Punta Lucero-Serantes smoothly inclined towards the Estuary of Bilbao.

The climate in Santurtzi is of the humid oceanic climate type. The temperatures are moderate throughout the year, with more frequent rains in spring and autumn, winters are benign and summers not excessively warm. The average temperature is 20ºC (70ªF) in summer and 8ºC (48ªF) in winter.
The beauty of the landscape and the quality of the gastronomy along with the hospitality of the Santurtziarrak are some of the attractions which the visitor can enjoy.
Santurtzi is a marine town that has succeeded in conserving many of its traditions, in spite of its great growth.
The life in this area is focused on the sea, which inspires its work and its leisure. Fishing boat and rowing boat races, and the celebrations of the Virgin of the Carmen keep their traditions alive.
Gastronomy is based on fish, especially sardines.
San Jorge church (1725, the tower in 1844)
House Toasts (1890)
Town Hall (1905)
Monument to Cristóbal Murrieta (1923)
Patronato Santa Eulalia (1914)
Home and clinical San Juan de Dios (1925)
Oriol Palace (1913)
Science of navigation school (1860)
Hijas de la Cruz college (1863)
Virgen del Mar church (1901)
Fishermen Confraternity (1916)
Town Park (1918)
Central Kiosk (1917)
Mamariga fountain (1882)
Monument to the Sardinera (1964)
Fishing Port (1916)
Virgin of Carmen (1950)
Museum of Sculptures
Monument to Miguel de Unamuno
Señorío de Vizcaya Square (redesign 2007)
Official City Website: http://www.ayto-santurtzi.es/

Los 5 Bilbainos *Desde Santurtzi A Bilbao* Song

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